Wonderfully delicious pistachio nuts have long been revered as the symbol of wellness and robust health since ancient times. The kernels are enriched with many health-benefiting nutrients essential for optimum health.
Pistachio actually are kernels obtained from fruits belonging to the Anacardiaceous family, in the genus: Pistacia. The plant is a medium sized broad, bushy, dioecious, deciduous tree, believed to have originated in the mountain ranges of West-Asia and Turkey region. Several cultivars exist; however, the most popular variety grown for commercial purposes is Kerman.
Pistachios grow well under hot, dry summer and cool winters. They are currently being cultivated at a larger scale in the USA, Iran, Syria, Turkey, and China. After plantation, it takes approximately eight to ten years until the plant produces its first major crop. Once established, it keeps bearing fruits for many years to come.
Pista fruit, in fact, is a drupe (fruit with a large, central located single seed), and it is this seed kernel is what actually edible “pistachio nut”. Each season, the tree bears heavy clusters of fruits which appear somewhat like that of a grape bunch. On its exterior, a mature fruit features hard, off-white color shell which splits apart exposing light green, oblong shape kernel inside. Pista kernel measures about 2 cm in length and 1 cm wide and weighs about 0.7-1 gm.